Basic Plumbing system consist of basic two type of system drainage and water Supply system. Drainage system included the Soil, Waste and Storm/Rain water drainage for building. Water Supply system consists with cold and hot water systems.
Specialized plumbing System: - In plumbing system Irrigation, Gas, Medical Gas, WTP (Water Treatment plant), Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), swimming pool systems considered as a specialized plumbing system. It consists with Pump, valve and pipe with fitting and all accessories.
Soil, Waste and Storm Drainage: - -drainage system consists of piping with fitting, valves, hangers with all accessories.
Cold and Hot water system: - water supply system consists with water pump, pipe with fittings, valves, hangers and all accessories.
External Plumbing System: - External plumbing system consists with underground services for drainage and water supply which consist with pipe with fittings, channel, chambers, catch basin and manhole and all accessories.